Use Case: Government Industry 2023

Defining a protect surface to Maintain Active Directory Security

Use Case: Government Industry 2023


  • Explosion of unstructured data
  • Unregulated data access
  • Increase of applications
  • Increased vulnerabilities
  • Define your protect surface
  • Document and monitor Active Directory
  • Implement best practice and frameworks
  • Apply Least Privileges

Data Challenges for Governments

In 2023, governments face multifaceted data risk assessment and protection challenges. These challenges encompass a wide range of concerns, including escalating cybersecurity threats, ransomware attacks, insider threats, and compliance with stringent data privacy regulations. Governments are increasingly adopting cloud services and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, necessitating robust security measures in these areas. Third-party risk, legacy systems, and the issue of data sovereignty add further complexity to the landscape. Geopolitical tensions and the battle against disinformation campaigns also impact data security.

To address these challenges, governments must adopt a comprehensive approach, which involves continuous risk assessment, advanced cybersecurity implementation, employee training, international collaboration, and strict adherence to data protection regulations. By embracing these strategies and promoting a cybersecurity culture, governments can better protect sensitive data and ensure the well-being of their citizens in an ever-evolving digital world.

The Need for Defining a Protect Surface

Defining a protection surface to maintain Active Directory (AD) security is of paramount importance for governments, primarily for the following reasons:

Critical Data Protection: Governments amass vast quantities of sensitive and classified information within their Active Directory (AD) systems. This encompasses citizen data, national security data, and other crucial information. Defining a protection surface is instrumental in safeguarding this data against unauthorised access and breaches.

National Security: The security of Active Directory is pivotal for national security. A compromised AD system could lead to unauthorised access to critical infrastructure, military systems, and intelligence databases. Ensuring the security of AD is essential to thwart potential attacks that might undermine national security.

Service Continuity: Governments are responsible for providing essential services to their citizens, encompassing healthcare, public safety, and financial services. AD serves as the linchpin of these operations. Upholding a secure AD environment is vital to ensuring uninterrupted services and preventing disruptions that could impact citizens' well-being.

Data Privacy and Compliance: Governments are subject to stringent data protection regulations. A well-defined protection surface aids in ensuring compliance with these regulations, including GDPR, CCPA, and sector-specific data protection laws. Compliance not only helps avoid legal and financial penalties but also enhances public trust.

Preventing Insider Threats: Governments must mitigate insider threats, emanating from either malicious insiders or the inadvertent errors of well-intentioned employees. A well-protected AD environment includes access controls, monitoring, and auditing capabilities to detect and prevent unauthorised actions.

Cybersecurity Threats: Governments are prime targets for cyberattacks. Defining a protection surface is pivotal in implementing advanced security measures, effective patch management, and regular vulnerability assessments to mitigate the risks associated with evolving cybersecurity threats.

Geopolitical Considerations: In an increasingly interconnected world, the geopolitical landscape can have a direct impact on cybersecurity. Governments must define their protection surface to safeguard AD from potential state-sponsored cyber threats and espionage.

Public Trust: Maintaining the security of Active Directory is fundamental to instilling public trust. Citizens expect their government to protect their personal data and national interests. Any breach of AD can erode trust and confidence in government institutions.

Third-Party and Supply Chain Risks: Governments frequently collaborate with third-party vendors and partners. A well-defined protection surface includes protocols for securing interactions with external entities and managing supply chain risks, which can be exploited to compromise AD security.

Critical Infrastructure Protection: Numerous critical infrastructure sectors, including energy, transportation, and healthcare, rely on government oversight and support. Protecting the AD environment is critical to ensuring the security and resilience of these critical infrastructure systems.

Defining a protection surface for maintaining Active Directory security is critical for governments due to the central role AD plays in data protection, national security, and the provision of essential services. It also helps governments comply with data protection regulations, safeguard against insider and cybersecurity threats, and build and maintain public trust. As governments confront ever-evolving threats and geopolitical challenges, a robust AD security strategy is an essential component of their overall cybersecurity posture.

Getvisibility's Solution Suite

Getvisibility solutions offers a comprehensive approach to managing Active Directory (AD) security for organisations. Getvisibility’s AI Powered platform enables governments to quickly scan and classify all data within the organisation with the aim to maintain best practices. It does so by focusing on several key aspects, including visibility and documentation of the AD structure, safe practices for users and administrators, security around the domain controller, and the implementation of the least-privilege model. The Getvisibillity solution Focus works by conducting automated discovery, classifying all data (both new and legacy), identifying weak points in the AD. Through Data Guard a data policy and inventory of at-risk files is displayed by custom data alerts. It rates the level of risk associated with each file, identifies sensitive data, assesses access control, and assigns a risk rating based on various factors. Additionally, it enables scheduled reporting and dynamic alerting in response to AD changes. This approach ensures that organisations can proactively monitor and enhance their AD security, effectively track risk over time, and swiftly respond to any security issues or changes.

Not only that, the platform has built-in functionality to reduce the complexities around compliance including GDPR.

Once Getvisibility has classified all sensitive information through our in-depth Data Guard reporting Data Guard will define your Protect Surfaces. This consolidated view of all of your most sensitive data allows government departments around the world to take the necessary steps to safeguard data risks.

Want to see our products in action? Speak to one of Getvisibility's many experts.